sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Hola, te acuerdas de mi? soy la misma con la que solias charlar todo un dia sin cansarte, la que te extrañaba si un día no sabia sobre ti, con la que te reias sin parar, con la que pasabas horas hablando por telefono y no querias ni cerrale, con la que hablas de cualquier disparate por horas y horas. Soy exactamente la misma y todos los dias me pregunto si no extrañas todos eso aunque sea por un momento...yo lo extraño, y mucho....

Photography Graphics, Tumblr Photography

Odio que me odien. Odio odiar a alguien. Me odio, la odio, lo odio, Nos odiamos. ODIO, ODIO, ODIO, ODIO. El odio es un sentimiento algo oscuro, pero es que ya no veo la luz.

Profile Graphics, Page Graphics, Tumblr Graphics

Ya me ilusionaste demasiado, por que ahora tambien?

Don’t tell a girl you love her. She’ll actually be dumb enough to believe you. Things would be rushing in her mind, she’ll let down her wall, and slowly but surely, she’ll fall for you. She’ll believe your words. Don’t play with her heart. She’ll get attached and close with you and it would be difficult for her to let go. She’ll cry at night, she’ll do everything in her power to please you. She would become a totally different person because she loves you.

Don’t tell a girl you love her, unless you mean it.

Photography Graphics, Tumblr Photography

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Pro Earth Graphics, Recycle Graphics, Pro Animal Graphics

Page Graphics, Tumblr Graphics


Page Graphics, Tumblr Graphics

Page Graphics, Tumblr Graphics